Strangelove Skateboards


StrangeLove was created in 2018 by Sean Cliver. Sean Cliver is the current owner of StrangeLove Skateboards. In addition to providing the best in decks (PS Stix / Paul Schmitt), Sean wanted to provide artists with a starting point to make art, or at least the kind of art that is appreciated by skateboarders. He therefore naturally surrounded himself with old acquaintances like Todd Bratrud, Dave Carnie and Chris Reed, as well as "newcomer" Marc McKee, with whom he had already worked at World Industries in the 90s. StrangeLove collabored with many skaters and more recently Natas Kaupas. Sean Cliver designed a tribute to Natas Kaupas with "Cat Woman" in both yellow and blue. The yellow was an homage to his very first canary yellow Santa Monica Airlines pro model in 1985.