Macrodosing - Artsy Fartsy Part 2

Recommended viewing dosage: Macro
Starring: Scott Balkwill, Jason Gordon, Jared Grasby, Dan Pulvermacher, Ian Sargent, Dan Watson, Logan Hryciw, Garrett McNevin, Ian Rowley, Marco Luk, Matthew Feyld.
Friends section: Cam Buchan, Devon Amerud, Kevin Lowry, Levi Wawryk, Ben Riabko, Justin Schwan, Russ Clark, Pat Welles, Sven Aerts, Yoshi Zenz, Jon Osback, Chad Coombs, Jeremy Randall, Pryce Watkin, Scott Varney, Drew Williams, Lindsay Bowser, Sarah Kelly.
Special guest star: Gota Watabe
1. Intro:
Joe Meek & The Blue Men - I Hear a New World
2. Scott Balkwill:
Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark - Electricity
3. Jason Gordon:
Klaus Nomi - Simple Man
4. Jared Grasby:
Lesley Gore - Just Let Me Cry
5. Dan Pulvermacher, Ian Sargent:
Cybotron - Clear
6. Dan Watson:
Ciccone Youth - Macbeth
7. Friends:
Shock Therapy - I'm so Sick
8. Scott Balkwill:
David Essex - Rock On
9. Logan Hryciw:
Yoko Ono - Kiss Kiss Kiss
10. Garrett McNevin:
11. :
Tiny Tim - Stay Down Here Where You Belong
12. Ian Rowley, Marco Luk:
ADS - Waiting for the War
13. Matthew Feyld:
Lush - Stray
14. Eclipse Outro:
Psychic TV - Caresse
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