OBEY Giant- Attention Deficiency Disorder

OBEY Giant- Attention Deficiency Disorder cover art


"Attention Deficiency Disorder" is an 8-minute film by Shepard Fairey about the skateboarding crowd that helped spread Obey Giant stickers around the country. Available on VHS only. "...I made a skateboard film in 1995 called A.D.D. Attention Deficiency Disorder (I shortly after realized the actual clinical term is Attention Deficit Disorder… oh well) which focused on skateboarding and the idea that the overwhelming inundation of media was making us a bit more anxious and shortening our attention spans. I enjoyed the irony of commenting on media over-saturation while also contributing to media over-saturation. Things have only become more intense in the age of social media. I’m a big fan of using a plethora of media to spread art and ideas, but I think carefully about the pros and cons of various media forms and how they can influence content. I want to empower myself and others with digital tools while avoiding the race-to-the-bottom approach. We all benefit as consumers and creators from an awareness of the inherent characteristics of different forms of media. In 1996 I was just beginning to think in a deeper way about some of these concepts..." -Shepard Fairey // January 19, 2023
