Skateworks - 3

"It's been 20 years since our last full length shop vid, which was cleverly titled Shop Copy. We didn't come up with a name for this one.
We weren't slacking over the last 20 years, we were just waiting for our team riders to be born.
There's new shop kids you haven't heard of (yet), there's old shop adults you don't remember unless you're over 30, there's middle aged shop people, maybe some pros... not sure where we're going with this...
Oh, and even though we're on Hijinx Net, there's not really any Hijinx."
Kenny Goodman:
Lance Skiiwalker ft. Nick Hakim - In The World
Montage #1:
Grandaddy - A.M. 180
Alex Foy:
Ash Eater - Worship Chant
Montage #2:
Ray Vaughn - Top Shottas
Branden Howard:
Max Charmes - Jealousy
Montage #3:
Most Fried - You're Glued!
Matt Mehl:
Drunk dom and the Roachers - Over the Hill
Nate Recine:
Gypsy Sally - Barrom
Montage #41:
The Glove Department - All over Again
Andrew Langi:
Isaiah Rashad - Why Worry
Lara Botto:
Big Hongry - Clouds
Most Fried - Mama Brick
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