Traffic - Third Shift

full-length (30 min)
traffic skateboards (2020)

Third Shift is the latest full length video offering from Traffic Skateboards.
Featuring: Kevin Coakley, Hiroki Muraoka, Luke Malaney, James Sayres, George Hanushak, Chris Teta, Josh Feist, Pat Stiener, Ian Mcgraw, Mark Wetzel, Rich Adler and Ricky Oyola.
Video by: John Valenti and Pat Stiener
Grab a copy of the video at your local or online at
James Sayres #1:
Dion - Daddy Rolling
James Sayres #2:
Gorilla Biscuits - Two Sides
Pat Stiener:
The Blue Rondos - Little Baby
Montage #1:
Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds - Pumpkin Pie
Chris Teta:
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Monkberry Moon Delight
George Hanuschak:
Leon, Oropeza, Theriot, Roger & The Gypsies - Pass The Hatchet
Josh Feist:
The Replacements - Buck Hill
Montage #2:
Main Source - Looking At The Front Door
Hiroki Muraoka:
Allen Toussaint - Worldwide
Kevin Coakley #1:
El Michels Affair - Zaharilapiya Malik
Kevin Coakley #2:
Mulatu Astatke & The Heliocentrics - Massengo
Luke Malaney intro:
Man Man - 10Lb Moustache
Luke Malaney:
Chris Isaak - Dancin'
Neil Diamond - Someday Baby
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