

Formerly "Dimestore". Dime is a manufacturer of skateboard clothing that comes with a sense of humour at the forefront of everything they do. Coming out of Montreal, Canada this crew turned brand draws on all the aspects of what makes skateboarding so rad. This is exemplified by their yearly Dime Glory Challenge. Now in its fourth year, it's a skate contest like no other. Taking more inspiration from American Gladiators than it does a regular skate contest, the Dime Glory Challenge is a series of 'challenges' that are designed to induce skateboarding but to also create the most fun. A list of heavy pro skateboarder's participate, making it the best contest of the year. Dime owners Antoine Asselin and Phil Lavoie once described their reasons for creating Dime - "Our goal is to skate. Anything to keep us around skateboarding. That's what we like to do. I'm never going to become a professional skateboarder, so I might as well make something". Quartersnacks described Dime as being "A brand, a crew, a series of videos, something?" Well 'something' turned out pretty damn good. Collaborations with Vans shoes and recent Glory Challenge backer DC have given them a huge reach and in turn, provided a platform for DC Shoes to re-establish models like the OG Legacy. Dime creates timeless skate pieces such as hoodies and longsleeve's but they've also produced fleece pullover jackets and puffy down jackets of late. Being from snowy Montreal brings a strong beanie line (of course) and even fleece neck warmers making an appearance.