Transworld - The Sixth Sense

Transworld - The Sixth Sense cover art


Transworld Video #6. Starting with buttery lines from Kenny Anderson and a duet from Brad Staba and Brian Anderson, The Sixth Sense also featured the technical mastery of Mike Crum. Frank Hirata demonstrated his long-time addiction to skating and collecting musical instruments, and Josh Kalis closed it all with a switch back heel over the Brooklyn banks barrier.


Bowery Electric - Fear Of Flying
Kenny Anderson: 
Propellerheads - Better?
Montage 1: 
Fugazi - Five Corporations
Brad Staba & Brian Anderson: 
Beck - Puttin' It Down
Mike Crum: 
Fugazi - Combination Lock
Montage 2: 
Turn On - Triple Cause Of Poetry
Frank Hirata: 
Polvo - Can I Ride
Josh Kalis: 
Company Flow - Vital Nerve
Montage 3: 
Trans Am - Stereo Situation
Atiba - Ah Yeah 2